Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom WINRECTSTRUCT origX origY _sdSIZE VoyCheck mEnableControl mscdex checkCdMci VoyCheck StrStuff voycheck installFont voycheck MLEStuff voycheck mHourGlass VoyCheck IsMidiIsWave VoyCheck _PlayMidi VoyCheck _StopMidi voycheck copyLZFile SendDlgItemMessage GetDC USER ReleaseDC GetSysColor SetTextColor voycheck mWinExec KERNEL GlobalCompact voycheck CDDrive voycheck VFWVersion voycheck waveOutWorks BillBord ShowBillBoard kernel GetWindowText voycheck _GetVersion KERNEL lstrcpy voycheck _AmIOKToRun voycheck _IsProdIDValid voycheck _GetSerialNumberText voycheck _GetUserName voycheck _GetUserCompany voycheck _GetWhoAmI voycheck _SetRegDBKey voycheck _GetRegDBKey voycheck _m32768 LoadString kernel LoadLibrary kernel FreeLibrary kernel GetDlgItemText voycheck DoBackFixer pinnacle RsrcEnable pinnacle SelectLockout SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo tbsbrd.bmp;0,128,1286 diskid.ini& Installa LanguageR Uninstall diskid.ini& Installa LanguageR english! English, french! French, german! German, italian! Italian, spanish! Spanish, dutch! Dutch, japanese! Japanese, Could not parse commandline! Sorry, but setup will ignore all options. Params.voy$ Could not find commandline file! Sorry, but setup will ignore all options., Could not delete '%s'b Could not parse commandline! Sorry, but setup will ignore all options. Lang( DDir( DGroup( CarryOnCarryOn( True( DumpFileInfo( voycheck.dll %s%s%sb diskid.ini& Installa Name1RC diskid.ini& Installa Name2RD diskid.ini& Installa Name3RE diskid.ini& Installa Name4RF diskid.ini& Installa Name5RG diskid.ini& Installa Name6RH diskid.ini& Installa Name7RI diskid.ini& Installa Name8RJ diskid.ini& Installa Name9RK diskid.ini& Installa Name10RL diskid.ini& Installa Name11RM diskid.ini& Installa Name12RN diskid.ini& Installa Name13RO diskid.ini& Installa Name14RP diskid.ini& Installa Name15RQ diskid.ini& Installa Name16RR diskid.ini& Installa Name17RS diskid.ini& Installa Name18RT diskid.ini& Installa Name19RU diskid.ini& Installa Name20RV diskid.ini& Installa Group1RW diskid.ini& Installa Group2RX diskid.ini& Installa Group3RY diskid.ini& Installa Group4RZ diskid.ini& Installa Group5R[ diskid.ini& Installa Group6R\ diskid.ini& Installa Group7R] diskid.ini& Installa Group8R^ diskid.ini& Installa Group9R_ diskid.ini& Installa Group10R` diskid.ini& Installa Group11Ra diskid.ini& Installa Group12Rb diskid.ini& Installa Group13Rc diskid.ini& Installa Group14Rd diskid.ini& Installa Group15Re diskid.ini& Installa Group16Rf diskid.ini& Installa Group17Rg diskid.ini& Installa Group18Rh diskid.ini& Installa Group19Ri diskid.ini& Installa Group20Rj diskid.ini& Installa DestDir1Rk diskid.ini& Installa DestDir2Rl diskid.ini& Installa DestDir3Rm diskid.ini& Installa DestDir4Rn diskid.ini& Installa DestDir5Ro diskid.ini& Installa DestDir6Rp diskid.ini& Installa DestDir7Rq diskid.ini& Installa DestDir8Rr diskid.ini& Installa DestDir9Rs diskid.ini& Installa DestDir10Rt diskid.ini& Installa DestDir11Ru diskid.ini& Installa DestDir12Rv diskid.ini& Installa DestDir13Rw diskid.ini& Installa DestDir14Rx diskid.ini& Installa DestDir15Ry diskid.ini& Installa DestDir16Rz diskid.ini& Installa DestDir17R{ diskid.ini& Installa DestDir18R| diskid.ini& Installa DestDir19R} diskid.ini& Installa DestDir20R~ diskid.ini& Installa VOY_PowerBarR diskid.ini& Installa VOY_MixerR diskid.ini& Installa VOY_CDPlayerR diskid.ini& Installa VOY_MIDIPlayerR diskid.ini& Installa VOY_WAVPlayerR diskid.ini& Installa VOY_MIDIMakerR diskid.ini& Installa VOY_WAVMakerR diskid.ini& Installa VOY_VideoPlayerR diskid.ini& Installa VOY_AS2TrayR diskid.ini& Installa VOY_PowerBarNameR diskid.ini& Installa VOY_MixerNameR diskid.ini& Installa VOY_CDPlayerNameR diskid.ini& Installa VOY_MIDIPlayerNameR diskid.ini& Installa VOY_WAVPlayerNameR diskid.ini& Installa VOY_MIDIMakerNameR diskid.ini& Installa VOY_WAVMakerNameR diskid.ini& Installa VOY_VideoPlayerNameR diskid.ini& Installa VOY_AS2TrayNameR diskid.ini' Installa Size12# diskid.ini' Installa Size22$ diskid.ini' Installa Size32% diskid.ini' Installa Size42& diskid.ini' Installa Size52' diskid.ini' Installa Size62( diskid.ini' Installa Size72) diskid.ini' Installa Size82* diskid.ini' Installa Size92+ diskid.ini' Installa Size102, diskid.ini' Installa Size112- diskid.ini' Installa Size122. diskid.ini' Installa Size132/ diskid.ini' Installa Size1420 diskid.ini' Installa Size1521 diskid.ini' Installa Size1622 diskid.ini' Installa Size1723 diskid.ini' Installa Size1824 diskid.ini' Installa Size1925 diskid.ini' Installa Size2026 diskid.ini& Installa Launch1R/ diskid.ini& Installa Launch2R0 diskid.ini& Installa Launch3R1 diskid.ini& Installa Launch4R2 diskid.ini& Installa Launch5R3 diskid.ini& Installa Launch6R4 diskid.ini& Installa Launch7R5 diskid.ini& Installa Launch8R6 diskid.ini& Installa Launch9R7 diskid.ini& Installa Launch10R8 diskid.ini& Installa Launch11R9 diskid.ini& Installa Launch12R: diskid.ini& Installa Launch13R; diskid.ini& Installa Launch14R< diskid.ini& Installa Launch15R= diskid.ini& Installa Launch16R> diskid.ini& Installa Launch17R? diskid.ini& Installa Launch18R@ diskid.ini& Installa Launch19RA diskid.ini& Installa Launch20RB F0 7F 7F 04 01 00 FF F7 Yamaha diskid.ini& Vendora DiscNameR diskid.ini& Installa DestDirR \Voyetra diskid.ini& Installa DestGroupR diskid.ini& Vendora VendorNameR diskid.ini& Vendora ProductR diskid.ini& Vendora DiscVersionR diskid.ini& Vendora ProductKeyR UninstallKey Which Soundcard? Which soundcard are you installing? Pinnacle2 Fiji2 diskid.ini& Vendora VoyetraIDR Uh-oh!a Can't delete old dumpfile! .out$ Uh-oh!a Can't create dumpfile '%s'!b Filename, TargetDir, FileDate, FileTime, OrigSize, CompSize, Version It will be necessary to change your .MID and .WAV associations in order for the Testing and Troubleshooting document to work correctly. Do you want setup to do this? %s%s%sb mplayer.exe /play /close mplayer.exe /play /close voydll.ini% installeda installeda BasePathb winapps% pcmixer.exe% installeda PCMixerb installeda ProgramGroupb diskid.ini& Installa NoWarnIfLangNotFoundR english! FLREG.BMP FLREG.BMP6 .reg english( FLREG.BMP6 english( acrobat acrobat\setup.ins searchA TBS Pro Series Wave Out 1 Installation is complete, but the drivers do not seem to be installed or are not working properly. To install the drivers, refer to the Non-Plug-and-Play chapter of the Getting Started Guide. To correct a problem, see Troubleshooting in the Getting Started Guide. If the drivers are installed, but are not working, it is possible that the memory range chosen by Windows for the audio board is in use by another device. Would you like to run the Memory Configuration Troubleshooter? %s%s%sb winapps% pintrbs.hlp$ winhelp b Couldn't run the Memory Troubleshooting document! Pinnacle may not work! system.inia boota driversR msmixmgr.dll( msmixmgr.dll system.inia boota driversa The sound card drivers are installed. Setup can now configure the default MIDI synth. If you would like to do so, press Yes. Otherwise, press No.( midiprop.exe Couldn't run the Multimedia Properties application! voycheck.dll voycheck.dll DLG_WELCOMEA DLG_WELCOME! DLG_WELCOME! DLG_WELCOME DLG_WELCOME DLG_LICENSEA %s%s%sb DLG_LICENSE! DLG_LICENSE! DLG_LICENSEA DLG_LICENSE! Can't find file to read in!A DLG_LICENSE! DLG_LICENSE DLG_LICENSE DLG_CUSTINST! 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MIDIMAP.BAK! %s%s%sb MIDIMAP.CFGa MIDIMAP.BAK! %s%s%sb MIDIMAP.PIN, MIDIMAP.FIJ MIDIMAP.CFG! %s%s%sb system.inia driversa MIDIR system.inia driversa waveR system.inia CDAudioR mcicda.drv system.inia CDAudioa mcicda.drv, mcicda.drv% mcicda.drv system.inia CDAudioa mcicda.drv Level Control* %s%s%sb AUTOEXEC.BAT dosapps% pincfg.exe$ dosapps% pincfg.ini$ CONFIG.SYS DRIVER.BAT if "%1" == "/rem" goto REMOVE if "%1" == "/REM" goto REMOVE vapi929 sapi!opl /PORT:2 aapimzt /addr:%s /irq:%s /dma:%sb goto OUT :REMOVE dmix /rem vmp /rem aapimzt /rem sapi!opl /PORT:2 /rem vapi929 /rem system.ini% mciseq.drva disablewarninga true% dosapps% pincfg.ini% pindsp31.drva IniFileb dosapps% pincfg.ini% pinkz31.drva IniFileb pindsp31.drva MasterVolLefta 3CB5% pindsp31.drva MasterVolRighta 3CB5% pindsp31.drva MasterVolMutea pindsp31.drva WaveVolLefta FFFF% pindsp31.drva WaveVolRighta FFFF% pindsp31.drva WaveVolMutea pindsp31.drva Aux1VolLefta 0080% pindsp31.drva Aux1VolRighta 0080% pindsp31.drva Aux1VolMutea pindsp31.drva Aux2VolLefta FFFF% pindsp31.drva Aux2VolRighta FFFF% pindsp31.drva Aux2VolMutea pindsp31.drva MHdrVolLefta 00C0% pindsp31.drva MHdrVolRighta 00C0% pindsp31.drva MHdrVolMutea pindsp31.drva MIDIVolLefta FFFF% pindsp31.drva MIDIVolRighta FFFF% pindsp31.drva MIDIVolMutea pindsp31.drva Pot2MaxLefta 0080% pindsp31.drva Pot2MaxRighta 0080% pindsp31.drva MicMaxLefta 00A0% pindsp31.drva MicMaxRighta 00A0% pindsp31.drva AuxTecha 0000% pindsp31.drva WaveRecMona pindsp31.drva WaveInRecIDa 0300% pindsp31.drva WhoVolSwitcha pindsp31.drva WhoVolStringb pindsp31.drva MHdrOutGaina pindsp31.drva SynthRatea 0100% pindsp31.drva DATSwitcha 0100% pindsp31.drva MIPortPra pindsp31.drva MaxAuxa 78000000% pindsp31.drva MaxLinea 78000000% pindsp31.drva MaxMica F0000000( pinkz31.drva VoiceGaina pindsp31.drva IsFijia pindsp31.drva IsFijia system.inia boota driversR msmixmgr.dll( msmixmgr.dll system.inia boota driversa pinkz31.drv MIDI2S MIDIBS MIDI%dBS system.inia driversb pindsp31.drv Wave2S WaveBS Wave%dBS system.inia driversb Aux2S AuxBS Aux%dBS system.inia driversb MIDI2S MIDIBS MIDI%dBS system.inia driversb MIXER2S MIXERBS MIXER%dBS system.inia driversb pindsp31.drv Wave2S WaveBS Wave%dBS system.inia driversb Aux2S AuxBS Aux%dBS system.inia driversb MIDI2S MIDIBS MIDI%dBS system.inia driversb MIXER2S MIXERBS MIXER%dBS system.inia driversb system.inia driversb Can't find file! 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Uh-oh!a Couldn't get file info on '%s'b Uh-oh!a Couldn't get file info on '%s'b Uh-oh!a Couldn't get file info on '%s'b Uh-oh!a Couldn't get file info on '%s'b Uh-oh!a Couldn't get file info on '%s'b %s, %s, %s, %s, %ld, %ld, %sb .out$ Uh-oh!a Can't create dumpfile '%s'!b AcroRead acroread.z% acroread.exe win.ini& extensionsa acroread.exe acroread.exeB acroread.exe Setupa %s '%s'. %sa= You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the online manual.a& /n/nAn older version has been found inb /n/nWould you like to install a newer version?! acroread.z Adobe Acrobat AcroExch.Document You will need the Acrobat Reader to view the online manual. Setup will copy Adobe Acrobat to the following directory. To continue, choose Next. To skip this step, choose No. Decompressing file...d %s%s%s %sb Adobe Acrobat acrograf.ini% Adobe Displaya UseGDIa acroread.ini% OEM1a0 Complete online documentation for Acrobat Reader% OEM2a3 is located in the Help directory for Acrobat Reader atm.ini% FONTSPFMHV______.PFM,% FONTSHV______.PFB$ Fontsa Helveticab FONTSPFMSY______.PFM,% FONTSSY______.PFB$ Fontsa Symbolb FONTSPFMZD______.PFM,% FONTSZD______.PFB$ Fontsa ZapfDingbatsb FONTSPFMZX______.PFM,% FONTSZX______.PFB$ Fontsa AdobeSanMMb FONTSPFMZY______.PFM,% FONTSZY______.PFB$ Fontsa AdobeSerMMb FONTSPFMZX______.MMM,% FONTSZX______.PFB$ MMFontsa AdobeSanMMb FONTSPFMZY______.MMM,% FONTSZY______.PFB$ MMFontsa AdobeSerMMb win.ini% acroread.exe ^.pdf% extensionsa \shell \shell\open &Open$ \shell\open\command acroread.exe %1 \shell\open\ddeexec [FileOpen("%1")]$ \shell\open\ddeexec\application acroview$ \shell\open\ddeexec\topic control$ \shell\print &Open$ \shell\print\command acroread.exe /p %1 \shell\print\ddeexec [FilePrint("%1")]$ \shell\print\ddeexec\application acroview$ \shell\print\ddeexec\topic control( Acrobat Reader 2.1% acroread.exe Acrobat Reader 2.1 Readme% \help\readme_r.txt %s%s%sb voycheck.dll pinnacle.dll pinndial.dll A critical error has occurred.A diskid.ini& installa Size( diskid.ini' installb dosapps% pincfg.ini LogicalDevice0a RAMAddressR system.ini$ EMMExclude=b Error deleting EMMExclude! [menu]R Error loading config.sys, EMM386.EXER DEVICEb EMM386.EXEA system.ini [386enh]( EMMExclude( [menu]R Error loading config.sys, EMM386.EXER QEMM386.SYSR 386MAX.SYSR C800a C800-CFFFa C801a C7FFa D000a CFFE2o D000a D000-D7FFa D001a CFFFa D800a D7FE2p D800a D800-DFFFa D801a D7FFa E000a DFFE2q E000a E000-E7FFa E001a DFFFa E800a E7FE2r E800a E800-EFFFa E801a E7FFa F000a EFFE2s Not enough upper memory. Delete any unnecessary EMM excludes. Exiting install... pinndial.dll setpdialA Can't show Setup dialog. pinnacle.dll Can't load Pinnacle.dll. setpdial! WaitOnDialog failed! setpdial! dosapps% pincfg.ini ConfigControla IOAddress0R setpdialB LogicalDevice0a IOAddress0R setpdialB LogicalDevice0a IRQNumberR setpdialB LogicalDevice1a IRQNumberR setpdialB LogicalDevice2a ActiveR LogicalDevice3a ActiveR LogicalDevice3a IOAddress0R setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA LogicalDevice0a RAMAddressR C800( Memory conflict at b . Please select an available range. setpdialA D800( Memory conflict at b . Please select an available range. setpdialA E000( Memory conflict at b . Please select an available range. setpdialA E800( Memory conflict at b . Please select an available range. setpdialA Memory conflict at b . Please select an available range. setpdialA LogicalDevice1a IOAddress0R setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA C800-CFFF, setpdialA D000-D7FF, setpdialA D800-DFFF, setpdialA E000-E7FF, setpdialA E800-EFFF setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA setpdialA pinnacle.dll setpdial setpdial pinndial.dll optsdialA Can't show Options dialog. optsdial! 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After installation $ you need to exclude the following address range from your DOS memory manager in one of the config.sys sections: $ EMM386.EXER NOEMS! NOEMS HIMEM.SYSA Setup could not modify the config.sys. Pinnacle may not work correctly. Detected QEMM memory manager in config.sys. You need to $ manually exclude from it the following range: $ Detected 386MAX memory manager in config.sys. You need to $ manually exclude from it the following range: $ C:\DOSa EMM386.EXER Did not find any memory manager in config.sys. Adding EMM386 line with exclude. C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS X=b HIMEM.SYSA Setup could not modify the config.sys. Pinnacle may not work correctly., Placing the following line into config.sys: a DEVICE=$ Could not find EMM386.EXE in c:\dos. User should install memory manager with exclude. /G:200 PINIDE.SYS /P:170 /I:15 /C:$ REM - Place any IDE CDROM drivers after PINIDE.SYSO PINIDE.SYSA PINIDE.SYSZ system.inia 386Enha EMMExcludeb Setup could not modify system.ini. Pinnacle may not work correctly. ibmjoy.drv% ibmjoy.drv system.inia driversa joystickb GetModuleHandle/ ShowWindow! SetFocus! GetDlgItem! Enable! SetWindowText! IsWindow! GetWindowRect! WINRECTSTRUCTa origX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa origY2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relY2 GetClientRect! WINRECTSTRUCTa origX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa origY2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relY2 SetWindowPos! MoveWindow! PostMessage! InstallSHIELD can not call DLL function: b edit( SETUPSTR862R Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! 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ResultA ComponentA szDirA There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9 Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.* SdComponentDialogAdv! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdComponentMult! ResultA ComponentA There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9 Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.* SdComponentMult! ComponentA ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9 Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.* SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialog! ResultA ComponentA szDirA There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9 Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.* SdComponentDialog! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdLicense! ResultA ResultA SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A sys.lib system1\*.*B %s%s%s %s sub-directoryb MyApp PROGRM1\*.* %s%s%s %s sub-directoryb WIN1\*.* %s%s%s %s sub-directoryb SYSTEM1\*.* %s%s%s %s sub-directoryb DATA1_1\*.* %s%s%s %s sub-directoryb DATA1_2\*.* %s%s%s %s sub-directoryb DATA1_3\*.* eeprom %s%s%s %s sub-directoryb DATA1_4\*.* dosapps %s%s%s %s sub-directoryb DATA1_5\*.* winapps %s%s%s %s sub-directoryb MyApp! MyApp2 MyApp winapps% Release Notes% Notes.wri Testing and Troubleshooting% winapps% pintest.hlp _EWQ& _MRQr6 3.00.074